With more than 300 Government High Schools in Sydney and regional NSW, you can select the school which offers the range of academic subjects and special facilities which suits the student's learning needs.
This Directory contains 102 school profiles to help you with your choice of a boys' or girls' High School or a coeducational High School. |
New South Wales Government High Schools provide high-quality education programs which are recognised worldwide. Excellence, innovation, and care for students is central to all learning. Our schools offer: |
· a broad curriculum with a focus on academic excellence · strong discipline codes · supportive student welfare programs |
a unique range of activities for each student to develop talents in the creative arts, sports, and technology
Our schools encourage a harmonious, multicultural environment. Teachers are university-trained and committed to developing students as effective learners. Students graduate with the Higher School Certificate (HSC) and can gain entry into universities or tertiary institutions in Australia and overseas. |
Location The map on page 6 shows the location of the 102 schools profiled in this Directory. Most schools are easily accessible by train, bus, or ferry. The public transport system is safe, clean, and efficient. Buses connect with the suburban rail system to transport students to and from government schools. |
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